Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Global Warming Nonsense

Time to take on global warming. Yes, you heard right : it's bull. Not that the globe isn't getting warmer, just that all the bleating and yowling about it is... bull.Why do i say that? Because I'm tired of hearing about it. lets get some things straigtened out.

Scientific Credentials Are Bull
Scientific credentials don't mean dick when you're dealing with religion. What religion? Global Warming. That religion. There are plenty of wackos with a PhD. Not to mention the fact that most of the scientists making dire predictions about global warming are receiving money 'to study the problem'. Great. So objective this brand of science.

Computer Climate Models are Bull
The tie of Global warming to man made CO2 emissions is made via computer climate models. Computer modeling has a funny way of giving you the answer you want. Start with the desired conclusion and build a model that will 'confirm' you're hypothesis. Again, wonderful science here. Not to mention the fact that climate models don't even work over a span of a few days let alone 100 years. It'll probably turn out that they've been using Sim-Earth..

Heat waves tied to global warming is Bull
The Audacity of the global warming prophets to claim that recent hot weather is due to ... you guessed it : Global Warming. I think the Peak Oil freaks and the Global warming wonks need to get together and have a party. Yank on each others sticks until you get tired and have a nice cup of shut the fuck up while you're at it.

In Conclusion
Global Warming is more than likley a natural phenomenon than a made made climate change. Science is about skepticism about every belief. Science is always willing to be proven wrong. Do you think any of the Global warming prophets would accept anything other than their alarmist , doomsayer predictions? They want Global warming to be caused by man's wicked ways. They want to predict distaster and doom. In short , they are not practicing science. They are the founders of the new 'end of days' religion: Global Warming . It's Bull.